Monday, October 20, 2014

St John Paul II at KUL

Museum room
Photos in our classroom
Statue in courtyard
Relic of JPII in academic church 


  1. Walking in the same hallways, listening to lectures in his favorite classroom, hearing about his time at KUL from some of his close companions - all of these ways of learning about JPII were unbelievably exciting. What a wonderful opportunity to study at the place JPII developed so many of the thoughts that shaped his papacy and in turn greatly influenced the Catholic church. John Paul II is definitely a little closer to all of our hearts after our time at KUL!

  2. As Bridgid said, simply being in the same university that JPII had spent so much time was pretty surreal for all of us, I think. All of Poland has a huge devotion to him, and I enjoyed being able to share in that enthusiasm while I was there. Additionally, I enjoyed learning about him as a professor. Prior to the trip, I had only ever heard stories of him as pope, so to hear things like how his level of intelligence and the density of his lectures actually made him a really tough professor made me further appreciate his life as a whole and his story before the papacy.


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