Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday lectures

Prof Hubert Laszkewski - The history of Poland
Prof Pawel Kras - Ethnic minorities in Polish history
Prof Maciej St. Zieba - Communist Poland - present scene
Rev Prof Andrzej Szoztek - John Paul II and communist Poland

1 comment:

  1. Prof. Maciej St. Zieba's lecture about Poland's transition out of Communism particularly interested me. I did not have a proper appreciation for many of the factors leading to Polish independence prior to this lecture and learned a great deal both about life under Communist rule and how Poland managed to build a new society out of its ashes. It was striking for me to reflect on how recently all of this happened--as late as 1979, the stores were empty and the Communist state could not provide enough to feed its citizens, let alone establish a functional society. Yet, thirty-five years later, we see a fully modernized and developed Poland. I cannot comment extensively on how stark a change this represents or what shortcomings the present system may have, but the contrast between what I imagine the repressed Poland of not-so-long-ago to be and the beautiful, modern city of Lublin I saw today was quite impressive.

    Also impressive were the stories Prof. Maciej told about his role in the underground movement in the time before the rise of the Solidarity unions and the independence of Poland. I was amazed to hear of the daring and bravery many individuals displayed in their promotion of a free Poland through the dissemination of information to the people of Poland via the underground press and open lectures. Having first-hand knowledge of the repercussions of such subversion, Prof. Maciej provided an exciting account of his and others' efforts to ensure freedom for Poland.


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